Legal notices

The website is produced by FISIQA
Head office: – 25 boulevard de la Liberté, 59800 Lille, FRANCE
SASU with a capital of 1000 euros – SIREN 954 080 313 – CODE APE 74.90B
Intracommunity VAT FR 65954080313

Disclaimer concerning the information available on this site
FISIQA makes every effort to ensure that the information published on this website is accurate and up-to-date, and reserves the right to correct the content at any time without notice. However, FISIQA cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the information made available on this website.

Consequently, FISIQA declines all responsibility :

any interruption of the website and/or the occurrence of bugs
any inaccuracy or omission in the information available on the site
for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to modification of the information made available on the website.

This site is published by FISIQA.
Director of publication: Bart SCHULTE, President.
Design and production: FISIQA &
Photo & text credits : &

OVH – SAS with a capital of €500 K
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

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Personal data
FISIQA is committed to preserving the confidentiality of any information provided online by Internet users. Any personal information that the Internet user may be required to transmit to FISIQA for the use of certain services is subject to European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, and to the French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique, Fichiers et Libertés) no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended.

The legal basis for data processing is consent.

Internet users therefore have the right to access, rectify and delete any personal information concerning them, which they may exercise at any time using the contact form in the “Contact” section, or by sending a letter to the following address: FISIQA – 25 boulevard de la Liberté – 59800 Lille – France.

The information collected in the site’s contact forms is intended to be used to recontact the Internet user to answer a question. The surname, first name and e-mail address will be used to contact the user if necessary.

Personal data from forms will be deleted once the request has been processed. If you have any questions about the processing of your data under this system, you can contact us using the contact form provided on the site.

If, after contacting us, you feel that your rights with regard to data processing, data files and individual liberties have not been respected, you may lodge a complaint online with the CNIL: or by post: CNIL, 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.

The site may include links to other websites or other Internet sources. Insofar as FISIQA cannot control these external sites and sources, FISIQA cannot be held responsible for the availability of these external sites and sources, and cannot be held responsible for the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from these external sites or sources.

Furthermore, FISIQA shall not be held liable for any damage or loss, whether actual or alleged, arising out of or in connection with the use of or reliance on the content, goods or services available on such external sites or sources.

Intellectual property rights
This entire site is governed by French legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations.

Reproduction of all or part of this site on any electronic medium whatsoever is strictly forbidden – unless expressly authorized by the President of FISIQA, who is also the publishing director.

This document comes from the FISIQA website.

Reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited.

If you have any comments on the operation of this site, please send us a message via the contact form.